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Registered:  10 Nov 2003
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Last Login:  22 Apr 2004
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Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 09:17 GMT 7 Apr 2004
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 09:16 GMT 7 Apr 2004
i agree. potti plays on a team with great players who are all about equivalent
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Fatal1ty
Posted @ 22:29 GMT 2 Apr 2004
haha i want to see the sheer # of votes these players would get if you did that.
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Fatal1ty
Posted @ 11:23 GMT 2 Apr 2004
how much you wanna bet fat never wins a cpl cs tourney? :P
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Fatal1ty
Posted @ 11:22 GMT 2 Apr 2004
lol no way man.
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Fatal1ty
Posted @ 11:17 GMT 2 Apr 2004
yea owning in starcraft is so much harder than owning in quake, cs, etc.... imo.
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Fatal1ty
Posted @ 11:05 GMT 2 Apr 2004
i agree. korea has set the standard for what pro gaming can be, and boxer is th
Re: Greatest Gamer: HeatoN vs Potti
Posted @ 11:40 GMT 31 Mar 2004
i have to go with potti. skillwise i think they're pretty much the same. potti
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