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Registered:  21 Nov 2003
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Location:  Cape Town
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Country:  South Africa
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Judgements:  114 made, 76 received
Bets Placed:  32 (Rank: 266)
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Re: "q6 bei bei 2" released
Posted @ 08:38 GMT 2 Jan 2007
<3 bei bei!
Re: ESWC : Cooller vs Ph4ntom
Posted @ 08:08 GMT 1 Jul 2006
p4 ftw!
Re: EuroCup XIII Q4 1on1: GaRpY vs aZ1d
Posted @ 18:04 GMT 8 May 2006
yea garps ftw
Re: 100,000 bottles of beer on the wall.
Posted @ 13:15 GMT 8 May 2006
97,397 bottles of beer on the wall, 97,398 bottles of beer take one down, pass
Re: Socrates vs. Cooller Finals HD Video
Posted @ 13:33 GMT 30 Mar 2006
500 kb/s =\
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 13:49 GMT 19 Nov 2005
Well I went out with some mates and got crazy drunk last night ... did'nt smoke
Re: Ninjas in Pyjamas
Posted @ 13:48 GMT 18 Nov 2005
WTF where are teh ninjas?! just cs noobs here =\
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 13:46 GMT 18 Nov 2005
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 06:07 GMT 18 Nov 2005
lol, yea I rekon so aswell =\
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 06:06 GMT 18 Nov 2005
lol yea, actually has nothing to do with the q4 "patch"
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 06:05 GMT 18 Nov 2005
Ah well fuck what you wankers think, I still haven’t smoked, and still don’t fee
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 18:59 GMT 17 Nov 2005
Mr. Hatting, dude so far I can highly suggest it … but I think wait a week or tw
Re: Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 18:56 GMT 17 Nov 2005
Well so far I am all good... I found the weirdest thing was having dinner and th
Patch ... I think not!
Posted @ 09:11 GMT 17 Nov 2005
So Like I went for hypnotherapy to quick smoking this morning, was not entirely
Re: Quake 4: Worst FPS ever
Posted @ 09:37 GMT 12 Oct 2005
And bring on the Anonymice!!
Re: Quake 4: Worst FPS ever
Posted @ 09:33 GMT 12 Oct 2005
hurmf im guessing you cant go over 100%
Re: Quake 4: Worst FPS ever
Posted @ 09:09 GMT 11 Oct 2005
nice lol thx :D
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 13:53 GMT 30 Sep 2005
Im Austrian, and I have a crazy fuct up sence of humor. Any how this is getti
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:37 GMT 30 Sep 2005
lol yes I seriously think hitler was in the right .... dumbass
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:52 GMT 29 Sep 2005
Yea those baboons are fuskin nasty mofo's, crazgy on lan =\
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