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Posts: 12
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Registered:  10 Jan 2004
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Country:  United Kingdom
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Judgements:  16 made, 21 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  2 users
Last Login:  9 May 2007
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Re: Random Spam!
Posted @ 16:57 GMT 9 May 2007
I liked the video. Seems some people here feel they deserve so much more for jus
Re: All Star CTF Tribute Match for iTG'L
Posted @ 14:27 GMT 19 Apr 2006
Yeah, I tried... didn't work, nevermind - managed to get a copy of q3 to my loca
Re: All Star CTF Tribute Match for iTG'L
Posted @ 18:29 GMT 18 Apr 2006
Indeedums. However, storm was talking about something that allows you to play Qu
Re: All Star CTF Tribute Match for iTG'L
Posted @ 17:26 GMT 18 Apr 2006
Actually gonna have to hit an inet cafe for this, ports are all blocked up in M
Re: Classic Movie Quotes
Posted @ 11:32 GMT 21 Jun 2004
oh, and: Tommy: Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish? Mark "Rent-boy"
Re: Classic Movie Quotes
Posted @ 11:09 GMT 21 Jun 2004
"Verbal: How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?" "Verbal:
Re: prozac's 'impossible rail frag' movi
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 6 Apr 2004
Its a move to promote users to subscribe and actually pay.
Re: Texan gamer to sue Punk Buster?
Posted @ 16:17 GMT 5 Apr 2004
"I make enough already, I don't need any more, nor would I sue for money in this
Re: Mouse Sensitivity
Posted @ 10:47 GMT 2 Apr 2004
Q3: 66cm Anyone higher? ;) Sifer
Re: My litte EC story
Posted @ 18:21 GMT 14 Feb 2004
yawn? both of you would go out in the first round of ec anyway...
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 23:42 GMT 12 Jan 2004
I'll be waiting for elp to prove himself at the next event before I start saying
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 20:52 GMT 12 Jan 2004
Joe Hill released this statement: "The event went smoothly, all competitions
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