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Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 15:22 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Do you also have a DSL connection? Do you have the exact same problem as I am?
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 15:18 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Didnīt work. Thanks anyway.
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 15:05 GMT 10 Jan 2006
I donīt know exactly if the modem reboots. Itīs a little weird, cause I can stil
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 13:04 GMT 10 Jan 2006
You are right, my modem seems to reboot when i use the ingame browser. Iīll cont
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 13:01 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Well, I am connected to PB. Hereīs how it looks in my console when iīm connected
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 11:48 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Hereīs the answer I got from the PB developers themselves: "You may want to
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 11:15 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Here how it looks like in my modem settings. What am I suppose to put in my inte
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 10:32 GMT 10 Jan 2006
Iīm not using Peerguardian and my Q4 is original, not warez.
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 20:36 GMT 9 Jan 2006
I updated the firmware on my Zyxel 660H-61 DSL-modem/router, but it didnīt help.
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 15:27 GMT 9 Jan 2006
I tried re-install Q4/PB but it didn't help, still getting kicked out from the s
Re: Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 14:08 GMT 9 Jan 2006
I checked my hosts file and for some weird reason the following line was in the
Getting kicked by Punkbuster
Posted @ 11:11 GMT 9 Jan 2006
I'm having this problem when i'm connected to a Q4 server I keep being kicked ou
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