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Registered:  28 Mar 2004
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Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 16:47 GMT 8 Apr 2004
Well sure, thanks :) Do you know if there are vods out? Because i do not have s
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 23:29 GMT 7 Apr 2004
Na, i knew boxer already before i read about this poll, but i never took time to
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 16:03 GMT 7 Apr 2004
Thats not the point. The point is that, in my personal opinion the competition i
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 13:39 GMT 7 Apr 2004
Yea, 3 series. Sky finals, i think. He lost 2 "series" 3-1 and the 3rd by 3-2. B
Re: Greatest Gamer: BoxeR vs Potti
Posted @ 10:09 GMT 7 Apr 2004
I recently watched 3 different games of huge sc finals in korea. All featured bo
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