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Registered:  3 Apr 2004
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Age:  38
Location:  Brodnica
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Timezone:  60
Country:  Poland
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Homepage:  esports•pl
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Last Login:  14 Apr 2005
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Re: pope?
Posted @ 18:54 GMT 4 Apr 2005
Besides, Pope =/= Religion. He was just a human, not the catholicism itself.
Re: pope?
Posted @ 18:51 GMT 4 Apr 2005
One thing - all of you ESR users are screaming: condoms, condoms, condoms. Do yo
Re: pope?
Posted @ 18:42 GMT 4 Apr 2005
One I know for sure - you cannot call yourself a homo sapiens...
Re: pope?
Posted @ 14:15 GMT 4 Apr 2005
Another life =/= God, besides drop the topic of atheism, it's not that simple...
Re: pope?
Posted @ 17:06 GMT 3 Apr 2005
At the moment Poland is in official grief. Vatican flags and fotos of the Pope i
Re: pope?
Posted @ 17:05 GMT 3 Apr 2005
You simply don't understand me. I'm not saying this death is more important, but
Re: pope?
Posted @ 12:40 GMT 3 Apr 2005
It's not about the religion, I'm not a catholic also, but I'm not going to laugh
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