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Posts: 68
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  25 May 2004
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Henrik Lohne
Age:  38
Location:  Norway
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Oslo
Country:  Norway
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•teamexcello•com
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  615 made, 30 received
Bets Placed:  8 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  3456
Buddied by:  5 users
Last Login:  26 Jan 2011
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Wc3 player for Excello

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Re: MLG Dallas Starcraft 2 Day 1
Posted @ 23:40 GMT 5 Nov 2010
Re: MLG Dallas Starcraft 2 Day 1
Posted @ 22:08 GMT 5 Nov 2010
Media player link:
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Cup #23
Posted @ 04:47 GMT 20 Sep 2010
Was referring to this line: "dimaga losing to some protoss called mywa, brat_ok
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Cup #23
Posted @ 19:31 GMT 19 Sep 2010
I recognise both names from wc3, they weren't top players though.
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Cup #21
Posted @ 13:21 GMT 6 Sep 2010
Dawn of War and Warcraft 3, yes.
Re: Go4SC2 Cup #9
Posted @ 22:11 GMT 26 Apr 2010
Haha, well... I don't want to potentially mess up anything for anyone, so I won'
Re: New patch for StarCraft II Beta
Posted @ 03:26 GMT 25 Apr 2010
Zerg could do it too. And yeah, spamming mules on one mineral field is not ve
Re: Go4SC2 Cup #9
Posted @ 03:22 GMT 25 Apr 2010
I heard it's more that esl isn't very interested.
Re: Team Liquid SC2 Invitational #1
Posted @ 01:58 GMT 27 Mar 2010
Funny, blizzard did not take action against that in their own ladder season last
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #3 is over
Posted @ 12:58 GMT 15 Mar 2010
An oldschool russian undead named Abver beat Idra early in the tournament :).
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #3 checkin starte
Posted @ 14:29 GMT 14 Mar 2010
I'm not 100%, but pretty sure. Hope I have key next week.
Re: WCG 2010 - First set of games announ
Posted @ 09:26 GMT 11 Mar 2010
Happy to see wc3. Sad about no SC(but that will probably change), Street Fighter
Re: ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #2 is over
Posted @ 07:41 GMT 8 Mar 2010
Morrow got 2nd, not Nightend. I lost to Orly pretty hard in round 4. Guess i
Re: Starcraft 2 Beta Started
Posted @ 22:20 GMT 17 Feb 2010
Neeeeed key :/
Re: Top 10 FPS Multiplayer Maps, Really?
Posted @ 19:21 GMT 15 Feb 2010
Retarded idea to begin with.
Re: IEF Suwon 09 - Warcraft 3 replay pac
Posted @ 19:37 GMT 6 Nov 2009
There was a patch nerfing staffs and upgrading human tower repair rate, might ha
Re: IEF Suwon 09 - Warcraft 3 replay pac
Posted @ 17:18 GMT 6 Nov 2009
At least 3 of 13 were elves. Dunno the japanese players' races. TH000 also uses
Re: IEF Suwon 09 - Warcraft 3 replay pac
Posted @ 09:11 GMT 6 Nov 2009
For some reason Ted and TH000 played reverse races g1 :/. Thanks for the lin
Re: 4K eats nfinity
Posted @ 10:11 GMT 23 Oct 2009
4Kings should be paying what they owe, not add new teams.
Re: BlizzCon Live Tournament Stream
Posted @ 06:45 GMT 25 Aug 2009
Yeah, the wc3 finals sucked. Orc mirror is usually pretty boring, and this was n
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