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Posts: 3
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Registered:  18 Aug 2004
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Country:  United Kingdom
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Last Login:  20 Aug 2004
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"I'll bet if the Doom marine was dressed as the Pope and ran around dishing out 'divine ownage'
on all the baddies, you'd give the game 10/10"

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Re: Christian Doom3 Review :)
Posted @ 11:18 GMT 20 Aug 2004
*puts shotgun away and quickly hides pipebomb making kit* Me no, im a normal
Re: Christian Doom3 Review :)
Posted @ 13:31 GMT 19 Aug 2004
really intelligent :P you wouldnt happen to have a shotgun and a stockpile of ho
Re: Christian Doom3 Review :)
Posted @ 08:28 GMT 19 Aug 2004
"those retards need shooting" Way to go, give them more ammunition why dont
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