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Registered:  20 Jan 2005
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Country:  United Kingdom
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Last Login:  2 Feb 2006
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Dodge Promo X by Ghode
Posted @ 19:02 GMT 27 Jan 2006
After nearly a year after the release of my first video [url=http://www.own-age.
Re: Beyond Logic
Posted @ 15:29 GMT 4 Feb 2005
I don't have quake3 installed ;p I wouldn't be able to do the trick anyway.
Re: Beyond Logic
Posted @ 14:38 GMT 4 Feb 2005
It can be done with a nade in q3, tried doing it with ut2k4, but i could never h
Re: Beyond Logic
Posted @ 09:26 GMT 4 Feb 2005
Actually, I got the idea for a couple of those tricks from Cetus' dm6 run from o
Re: Beyond Logic
Posted @ 15:08 GMT 21 Jan 2005
Editted them in with sony vegas.
Re: Beyond Logic
Posted @ 10:26 GMT 21 Jan 2005
Meh how do i do the cool "Movie" link thing? :/
Beyond Logic
Posted @ 10:22 GMT 21 Jan 2005
UT2k4 trick jumping movie, showing off what can be done with the weapons in the
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