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Posts: 28
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  28 Jan 2005
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  aNouC
Age:  45
Location:  Bremen
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  60
Country:  Germany
Avatar:  ._o
Homepage:  www•aNouC•tk
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  1 made, 2 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  1 user
Last Login:  23 Mar 2005
Theme:  Custom theme

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Okay my other profile is up and running... so if i dont answer here, try it with aNouC


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Re: The books of my life
Posted @ 08:21 GMT 16 Mar 2005
Im not living in Spain by now, but if theres a second book, ill try to get it in
Re: The books of my life
Posted @ 08:20 GMT 16 Mar 2005
I did read lots of books from Kafka and parts of his diaries... had to do a lot
Re: The books of my life
Posted @ 11:40 GMT 9 Mar 2005
The shadow of the wind! from Zafón (spanish writter) been translated all around
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 07:49 GMT 24 Feb 2005
I agree... but usually i need only some basical coding that THEY (the non prepar
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 07:16 GMT 22 Feb 2005
blerg... good at design aswell?
Re: Whine Whine
Posted @ 10:51 GMT 3 Feb 2005
mmmmm *thinks*
Re: Whine Whine
Posted @ 10:51 GMT 3 Feb 2005
nononononononnonono i dont use that things! :s
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 10:50 GMT 3 Feb 2005
thats right, good boy !! :D
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 10:50 GMT 3 Feb 2005
thats right, good boy !! :D
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 22:40 GMT 2 Feb 2005
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 22:38 GMT 2 Feb 2005
HUHU /me waves ! im fine, you?
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 22:37 GMT 2 Feb 2005
I dont really use the money for beer or stuff... so i could use it for things li
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 10:40 GMT 2 Feb 2005
Well as u can see, we are not the same way :)
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 10:04 GMT 2 Feb 2005
Well now i know and im starting to think about paying the money for WoW, im havi
Re: WoW?
Posted @ 10:03 GMT 2 Feb 2005
Im not playing those games i mean...i played baldurs gate for while at home, no
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 10:00 GMT 2 Feb 2005
I am anouc, oh well u wrote me a msg i just noticed :D
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 10:00 GMT 2 Feb 2005
I said nothing about free stuff. Both (the last two we had for two big projects)
Re: where are the coders?
Posted @ 09:59 GMT 2 Feb 2005
I know the best are working in big companies, but i also know there are young ta
Re: Whine Whine
Posted @ 09:59 GMT 2 Feb 2005
well i usually add people i know, dunno why i should ask somebody to add me :(
Re: Whine Whine
Posted @ 09:58 GMT 2 Feb 2005
Im not talking about ESR, was talking about another page and the good thing of h
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