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Posts: 46
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  12 Dec 2001
Full Name:  Richard Elliott
Age:  Undisclosed
Location:  Midlands
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  England
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•esreality•com
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  171 made, 960 received
Bets Placed:  139 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  8883
Buddied by:  13 users
Last Login:  28 Dec 2014
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Family Guy (bit like Homer)
"Chewy" at work
"Shrek" to others
"WhiteSheep" online to my online brethren atm
"MrE" to Mistermen and Esreality
I have a soft spot for ESR

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Re: Fatal1ty Interview 2012
Posted @ 21:40 GMT 23 Feb 2012
haha yer, I decided to flip the obsession into cycling. It's only with BF3 that
Re: Fatal1ty Interview 2012
Posted @ 21:35 GMT 23 Feb 2012
It has got a memory lane feel to it Demiurge, I agree. I didn't interview him wi
Re: Fatal1ty Interview 2012
Posted @ 21:32 GMT 23 Feb 2012
*Doffs cap in the direction of hydra*
Re: Fatal1ty Interview 2012
Posted @ 14:40 GMT 22 Feb 2012
Muhaha Cheers for the occasional positive reply folks :D
Fatal1ty Interview 2012
Posted @ 07:30 GMT 22 Feb 2012
I have posted an interview with [flag=us] [b]Fatal1ty[/b] over at www.thegamingc
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 18:24 GMT 9 Apr 2009
Good point well made. I can see the point your making, and to a degree, you're a
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 10:47 GMT 6 Apr 2009
Great thanks m8, it's so strange to return to so many familiar names, after all
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 10:46 GMT 6 Apr 2009
Good man. If you time it right, he hosts a lan party once or twice a year. Me an
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 22:28 GMT 5 Apr 2009
lolz nice one :D Must catch up sometime. :)
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 12:28 GMT 5 Apr 2009
Carmac my friend, please tell me the UT story.
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 07:46 GMT 4 Apr 2009
lovely, thanks :)
Re: The reason we play...
Posted @ 00:17 GMT 4 Apr 2009
can someone edit this? ....speechmarks and suchlike are changed from original
The reason we play...
Posted @ 00:08 GMT 4 Apr 2009
It appears to me that ESReality is somewhat lacking in the mojo department at pr
Re: How I learned to love the Shotgun
Posted @ 15:59 GMT 3 Apr 2009
I've sorted it now Mass thanks.
Re: How I learned to love the Shotgun
Posted @ 15:21 GMT 3 Apr 2009
the shotgun is the bomb :)
Re: How I learned to love the Shotgun
Posted @ 13:53 GMT 3 Apr 2009
I wrote this a few days ago and have been coming to the site every day since and
Re: How I learned to love the Shotgun
Posted @ 20:52 GMT 31 Mar 2009
oh, the shotgun, yes. It rocks!
How I learned to love the Shotgun
Posted @ 20:52 GMT 31 Mar 2009
When I heard, a few months back, that Quake 3 was making a comeback in the form
Re: CPL to use 2ms TFT Screens
Posted @ 23:54 GMT 14 Feb 2006
dammit, my friend just bought the dell 20inch widescreen. I checked it out as
Re: CPL to use 2ms TFT Screens
Posted @ 22:59 GMT 6 Feb 2006
I'm going to buy the Dell 2405FPW TFT for gaming. Simply because its 24 inch wid
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