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Posts: 18
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  25 Jul 2005
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  A. Fredslund
Age:  42
Location:  Denmark
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Copenhagen
Country:  Denmark
Avatar:  Default
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  4 made, 8 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  4 users
Last Login:  3 Oct 2007
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TWK unmasks
Posted @ 00:49 GMT 25 Aug 2007
Now, I know it has not be long since an [b]Enemy Territory[/b] movie has made it
Re: Random Spam!
Posted @ 16:22 GMT 8 May 2007
First of all, this is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie. Second I would agree
Re: Under Fire - A CPC 2 documentary
Posted @ 07:27 GMT 22 Apr 2007
Nice 1 :D
Re: Zaigon
Posted @ 15:49 GMT 10 Apr 2007
One of the best ET movies out there, it has a very nice quality and editing. The
Re: ET Pack 1.3 released
Posted @ 09:23 GMT 8 Apr 2007
hi2u mr. swine!
Re: r3volution
Posted @ 16:29 GMT 13 Mar 2007
Yeah, you probably don't remember me. I played in ALIS together with people like
Re: r3volution
Posted @ 16:08 GMT 13 Mar 2007
"All the speed and fun of your favorite action movie, without the cost of a tick
Re: Parodia Magnifica
Posted @ 14:01 GMT 13 Mar 2007
Very nice movie, I was so much entertained that I didn't even notice that the mo
Re: r3volution
Posted @ 09:46 GMT 13 Mar 2007
I remember you :D
Re: r3volution
Posted @ 09:45 GMT 13 Mar 2007
NP for letting you discover this movie naxis ;) Anywho, this is by far the be
Re: Out of the way II -Expect the unexpe
Posted @ 09:52 GMT 3 Mar 2007
First of all, this is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and not Return to Castle Wolf
Re: shgopen07_050.jpg
Posted @ 16:37 GMT 21 Feb 2007
This is zP.Rapture in case you didn't know :)
Re: CRT Heaven
Posted @ 15:59 GMT 21 Feb 2007
17 inch: 19 inch: http://
Re: CRT Heaven
Posted @ 09:53 GMT 21 Feb 2007
The rental monitors was sold in the end of the event. 40 euro for the 17 inch a
Re: Darkie
Posted @ 17:48 GMT 19 Feb 2007
Yes Darky != Darkie :)
Re: Winghaven: Second Nature
Posted @ 16:27 GMT 15 Jan 2007
I don't think you can say that about any FPS game there is, there is competition
Re: Winghaven: Second Nature
Posted @ 11:21 GMT 15 Jan 2007
I love this movie, based entirely on the entertainment value it gave me. It's no
Re: Crossfire TV Series : Trailer releas
Posted @ 03:46 GMT 4 Sep 2006
I got goosebumps the first time I watched this, and I get it again and again eve
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