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Registered:  24 Oct 2005
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Timezone:  Europe/Vienna
Country:  Austria
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Judgements:  7 made, 9 received
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Last Login:  28 May 2008
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Re: Q4 freezes
Posted @ 10:34 GMT 18 Jan 2007
you need 5 ghz cpu and 2x512mb video card, you need 100mbit and an expensiv soun
Re: Drugs are Bad M'Kay?
Posted @ 12:07 GMT 11 May 2006
i dont say that. its more like: you take cocain to feel stronger, then you take
Re: Drugs are Bad M'Kay?
Posted @ 06:51 GMT 11 May 2006
yes i tried, and i stopped in time. bonganman asked how to know who you really a
Re: Drugs are Bad M'Kay?
Posted @ 14:38 GMT 10 May 2006
i said no matter what drug you use, its just bad. pills, mushrooms,lsd,
Re: Drugs are Bad M'Kay?
Posted @ 10:26 GMT 10 May 2006
all your drugs suck
Re: Do we really need Q4? Hope > Sense
Posted @ 10:57 GMT 24 Oct 2005
I totally agree with that Post. Its slower then q3 Graphics are not really b
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