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Posts: 4
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  New User
Registered:  1 Nov 2005
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Marc
Age:  34
Location:  Neuss
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Berlin
Country:  Germany
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  7 made, 0 received
Bets Placed:  33 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  3533
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  6 Jan 2011
Theme:  Custom theme

Don't you wish there were a button on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work."

- Gallagher

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Re: WC06 - Germany vs Argentina
Posted @ 18:03 GMT 30 Jun 2006
WIN ....i knew it hehe ... im happy :D
Re: WC06 - Germany vs Argentina
Posted @ 04:33 GMT 29 Jun 2006
football? wtf is football? :D i bet on germany 'cause their last matches wer
Re: Quakecon 2006
Posted @ 01:42 GMT 29 Jun 2006
it's confirmed ,yeah im happy about it :) quakecon is great ....but i hope that
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