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Posts: 40
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  18 Dec 2001
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Aksel Willgert
Age:  43
Location:  Stockholm
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Stockholm
Country:  Sweden
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  97 made, 75 received
Bets Placed:  36 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2978
Buddied by:  5 users
Last Login:  12 Mar 2020
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AKA CdErius

playing currently QW, sc2 and HoN
previously i played aq2,q3,wc3, dota, sc: bw and the Grand Master

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Re: Australia to send 4 to Quakecon
Posted @ 17:58 GMT 15 Jul 2017
Re: 10 Quake finals that could have been
Posted @ 20:15 GMT 13 Jan 2014
In the early era of quake1/quakeworld the missing matchup is [flag=us]Thresh vs
Re: Idea for tournament (Brainstorming)
Posted @ 10:16 GMT 1 Oct 2013
A tournament like this should be played like a nations cup or something. So that
Re: Quakeworld Ladder
Posted @ 20:50 GMT 11 May 2013
it does, as long as you are prepared to install java..
Re: Quakeworld Ladder
Posted @ 16:24 GMT 10 May 2013
Me and [flag=fi]hifi agreed on a generic API for both games. He did the implemen
Re: Quakeworld Ladder
Posted @ 16:07 GMT 10 May 2013
actually a free client is downloaded (q2-online or nquake-online) as part of the
SubSurface - Automated QW & Q2 Ladder
Posted @ 21:40 GMT 5 May 2013
I've done some work creating an automated ladder system that currently supports
Re: Ownage LB Final - LocKtar vs Bulat
Posted @ 10:24 GMT 7 May 2010
this is not pov tho..
Re: 10 Players of Ownage
Posted @ 14:36 GMT 22 Feb 2010
Sure there is somewhat of a hype around milton. But i wouldnt compare it to the
Re: Starcraft 2: a gameplay carcrash
Posted @ 21:11 GMT 2 Jul 2009
Nah, i understand the mechanism and the dept of it (i think), I just think it's
Re: Starcraft 2: a gameplay carcrash
Posted @ 20:05 GMT 2 Jul 2009
If the macro is about balancing your 350+ APM between doing dumbed down things l
Re: WCG looking for the Ultimate Gamer
Posted @ 18:04 GMT 8 Jan 2009
Imo DDR and GH games fits perfectly into the category 'e-sports'. Sure the b
Re: Interview with k1llsen, forsees reti
Posted @ 15:42 GMT 2 Sep 2008
i learned it from teh internets
Re: QuakeWorld Duel League
Posted @ 19:07 GMT 31 Aug 2008
agreed, i think there should be region filters as well. major news: q1, europ
Re: QuakeWorld Duel League
Posted @ 06:30 GMT 29 Aug 2008
thats what keeps qw alive!
Re: ESWC 2008 Interviews *Update* srs|av
Posted @ 07:00 GMT 18 Aug 2008
i agree that the my qw-console output is not very easy to interpret for the aver
Re: ESWC 2008 Interviews *Update* srs|av
Posted @ 06:42 GMT 18 Aug 2008
So, avek asked about his closest match ever. Here is mine: http://desdichado.
Re: Gamegune needs 5 more players
Posted @ 11:55 GMT 16 Jul 2008
Duh, i don't filter q3, just want to know what game they are writing about in th
Re: Gamegune needs 5 more players
Posted @ 06:48 GMT 16 Jul 2008
Could u make this major news q3 or which ever game it is. For us that does no
Re: Cypher wins ESWC Q3 Masters 2008
Posted @ 15:08 GMT 7 Jul 2008
I could have written something similair around 00/01. I know it hard to match
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