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Registered:  6 Dec 2005
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Timezone:  America/Sao_Paulo
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Last Login:  12 Nov 2008
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Re: QuakeLive Invites
Posted @ 20:31 GMT 17 Oct 2008 Name: Rogerio Morais Thanks !!
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 00:47 GMT 15 Oct 2008
There's nothing wrong in getting paid to do what you love. Whores do. The differ
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 21:55 GMT 14 Oct 2008
Or they realize that since they can't make better graphics and neither improved
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 20:44 GMT 13 Oct 2008
Someday I hope developers realize that pushing graphics further is not doing muc
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 13:15 GMT 13 Oct 2008
Koreans are into MMOs and RTS. QL won't boom there.
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 18:28 GMT 12 Oct 2008
All examples you gave looked pretty good on their first 5 years and where hardwa
Re: Intel X58 / Core i7 (Nehalem) platfo
Posted @ 02:31 GMT 11 Oct 2008
If Rage is mind blowing I would upgrade just for it. I doubt it will be, since I
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 20:58 GMT 10 Oct 2008
It's quite simple actually. I never enjoyed watching an american football game c
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 10 Oct 2008
Hardest challenge to graphics developers ever: make a game that looks great on a
Re: Intel X58 / Core i7 (Nehalem) platfo
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 10 Oct 2008
I will certainly wait until iD Tech 5 or UE 4.0 or that Project Offset engine co
Re: E-Sports Winnings - Downhill?
Posted @ 17:40 GMT 10 Oct 2008
Correct. Q4 is hardware pushing enough for sponsors to like it, but the players
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