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Posts: 5
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Registered:  19 Dec 2005
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Country:  United Kingdom
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Judgements:  3 made, 0 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  3 Mar 2006
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Re: Cooller -vs- Blunt
Posted @ 15:17 GMT 7 Jan 2006
So you don't have to put the maps in the q4max folder at all? Just in your q4bas
Re: Cooller -vs- Blunt
Posted @ 18:39 GMT 6 Jan 2006
Yay! Finally got em to work. Thx for the help all :)
Re: Cooller -vs- Blunt
Posted @ 16:56 GMT 6 Jan 2006
Ok, ive opened the file in notepad and i have all the files necessary apart from
Re: Cooller -vs- Blunt
Posted @ 14:44 GMT 6 Jan 2006
Ok is there supposed to be a 'maps' folder in my q4max folder? and do i load q4m
Re: Cooller -vs- Blunt
Posted @ 20:16 GMT 5 Jan 2006
Ok can anybody help me? I've tried playing these demos along with some of the on
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