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Posts: 43
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  4 Feb 2006
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Vilhlem Flohr
Age:  39
Location:  Sollentuna
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Stockholm
Country:  Sweden
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  80 made, 37 received
Bets Placed:  8 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  3 users
Last Login:  8 Aug 2018
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: q3map [alpha] g0bli (name is wip)
Posted @ 21:50 GMT 29 Jul 2010
yeah the jumpad was just placed there so ppl whould know that it was a jumpad an
q3map [alpha] g0bli (name is wip)
Posted @ 03:06 GMT 29 Jul 2010
I hope you guys can help us out with item balancing, or some architecture ideas
Re: HoN coverage
Posted @ 16:08 GMT 24 May 2010
would be great!
Re: q3 textures, specular
Posted @ 13:43 GMT 21 May 2010
what #8 said with the addition that if you run a diffuse map through shadermap,
Re: Quake 3 Mapping Competition #2
Posted @ 09:19 GMT 15 May 2010
was going to replay but then I pressed the plus button by mistake. anyway a f
Re: quakelive stand-alone demo viewer 3.
Posted @ 14:43 GMT 23 Apr 2010
Crap I have forgotten what it stand for but it's a pre-compiled system (for each
Re: swedish armed forces
Posted @ 20:44 GMT 15 Apr 2010
quite fun. took a while to get a good enough team to reach over 5 min.
Re: New Screenshot from Quake Arena Arca
Posted @ 00:15 GMT 25 Jul 2009
The Cliffside map looks interesting
Re: Clan Arena: An Open Letter to SyncEr
Posted @ 12:29 GMT 6 May 2009
nah the 12vs12 games was the most funniest i ra3. Everybody got together at the
Re: Clan Arena: An Open Letter to SyncEr
Posted @ 16:05 GMT 24 Apr 2009
I hope they make some new maps for ca or organize a mapping competition. We need
Re: Ultra textures are fucked up
Posted @ 10:54 GMT 23 Mar 2009
Try to update your video drivers
Re: bacon & cheese stuffed pizza burger
Posted @ 22:26 GMT 7 Mar 2009
damn why did I click this thread. I'm so hungry
Re: Fjo3ctf1 - New NTF/CTF map
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 11 Dec 2008
Nice fjoggs. I really like the lightning.
Re: Quake 5 - There Will Be No Mods
Posted @ 18:53 GMT 21 Sep 2008
Why wouldn't you be able to apply it to an moving object? It's the object tha
Re: Quake 5 - There Will Be No Mods
Posted @ 16:11 GMT 21 Sep 2008
Same way as before? why would the texture stop you from moving objects?
Re: Rage E3 2008 Trailer
Posted @ 22:28 GMT 17 Jul 2008
They maybe wait to Quakecon?
Re: D3: Is this true?
Posted @ 19:08 GMT 5 Jul 2008
Of course it's true
Re: phantq4dm8
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 12 Jun 2008
I guess finding that one out on ESR is what you last expected? :) I think you
Re: phantq4dm8
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 12 Jun 2008
Yeah I saw you have a hole bunch of unreleased maps on you page. They surely loo
Re: Digital Games 2008 Games Announced
Posted @ 09:58 GMT 9 Jun 2008
Pro-gaming is going mainstream and being available to all the retards out there.
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