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Posts: 11
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  11 Jun 2006
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Uruzata Yakamura
Age:  42
Location:  Basingstoke
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
Avatar:  YouTube
Homepage:  www•YouTube•com/c/TopTorque
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  5 made, 0 received
Bets Placed:  25 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  3281
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  5 Dec 2020
Theme:  Custom theme


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Re: ql ctf
Posted @ 17:00 GMT 22 Oct 2009
tbh, camp fest spots on a map = seriously bad quality map imo... so damn crap, g
Re: 3 Players in a Duel Bug
Posted @ 09:55 GMT 21 Oct 2009
Killing specs, always a good thing, cause SPEC's can be really damn annoying at
Re: Stickrunners Season 4 or?
Posted @ 17:02 GMT 15 Sep 2009
Good Going, Count Team Enigmatic in on this We may
Re: How to fuck up QuakeLive
Posted @ 16:32 GMT 4 Oct 2008
u dont have the money to buy iD cause u dont have the intellect to run such a th
Re: QuakeLive Invites
Posted @ 16:21 GMT 4 Oct 2008
dying to get in now >_< Could i be added please ? Uruzata Yakamura uruzat
Re: G7 what is the point?
Posted @ 19:07 GMT 27 Sep 2008
What Tournament is going to pay a set of teams to play in their tournament when
Re: QuakeLive Invites
Posted @ 15:30 GMT 27 Sep 2008
Could i be added please ? Uruzata Yakamura
Re: quakeliver
Posted @ 15:30 GMT 27 Sep 2008
so funny, yet so true lol
Re: WSVG Intel Summer: Stermy Interview
Posted @ 17:01 GMT 15 Jul 2006
i mean it will be more publicised and televised than it is now and the media wil
Re: WSVG Intel Summer: Stermy Interview
Posted @ 15:16 GMT 10 Jul 2006
to be honest i think that's the most sense any professional gamer has talked for
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