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Posts: 12
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  11 Jun 2006
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  40
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  Europe/Berlin
Country:  Germany
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•planetpod•de
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  12 made, 2 received
Bets Placed:  6 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2180
Buddied by:  1 user
Last Login:  3 Feb 2011
Theme:  Custom theme

dkh.q4 ftw

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Re: German League about to start
Posted @ 14:35 GMT 26 Jan 2011
certainly it will be a very challenging qualifier o_O imo the even the 3rd le
Re: Out of Nowhere Cup #1 by
Posted @ 11:03 GMT 10 Sep 2009
no matter what the others say, i am looking forward to this cup :D thumbs up
Re: ESL-TV KotH #2 Tonight
Posted @ 10:56 GMT 10 Sep 2009
yay marcel \o/ no cookies for you if you play bad !
duel guides by fooki
Posted @ 13:58 GMT 8 Jul 2008
are they still up? does someone know where i can find those? i remember he made
Re: WTF commercial?!?!
Posted @ 09:18 GMT 18 Jun 2008
well, if those two girls come here to my door to sell me orangejuice, i'd defini
Re: WTF commercial?!?!
Posted @ 02:06 GMT 18 Jun 2008
maybe then your shaft gets wider :O
Re: WTF commercial?!?!
Posted @ 00:10 GMT 18 Jun 2008
hmm, this could be connected to two reasons: 1st: you do not need cheats, bec
WTF commercial?!?!
Posted @ 20:44 GMT 17 Jun 2008
this is ridiculous or w00t? trying to grow the quake scene so desperately ESR
Re: ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: DreamCatcher vs z
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 12 Apr 2007
zei0 wins! =)
Re: Quake 4 1.4 Beta Released
Posted @ 10:45 GMT 8 Feb 2007
gotta luv sync and the guys from ID for waiting with the patch until now, becaus
Re: Kode5 Q4 Finals *updated*
Posted @ 11:05 GMT 25 Aug 2006
this movie trailers suck big time ;/
Re: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Tutorial
Posted @ 00:06 GMT 24 Aug 2006
I NEED THIS GAME NOW ! i just cant wait the release date - pls ID releave me ;/
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