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Posts: 16
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  10 Apr 2007
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Ian Leckey
Age:  35
Location:  Huddersfield
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
Avatar:  4kings
Homepage:  www•four-kings•com
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  32 made, 3 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  1 user
Last Login:  3 Oct 2008
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: Some 4kings dude
Posted @ 17:16 GMT 25 Jun 2008
That's my dear friend zkyp
Re: Competitive Gaming Sites - The Stats
Posted @ 19:18 GMT 26 Apr 2008
Most worrying statistic: Estimate 1,258,300 visits
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 00:35 GMT 24 Jun 2007
yeah :(
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 13:54 GMT 22 Jun 2007
not to my knowledge
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 13:07 GMT 22 Jun 2007
Then surely by causing arguements and bickering I'm therefore not going against
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:32 GMT 19 Jun 2007
The same way some users disagree with cs posts, i disagree with unconstructive c
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:30 GMT 19 Jun 2007
... and?
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:24 GMT 19 Jun 2007
Well editing vaid points concerning the post is wrong. But the fact that the "CS
Re: More non-Quake News Please!
Posted @ 22:18 GMT 19 Jun 2007
i'd also welcome doa4, fifa, tmn, et, c&c3, wc3, wow & more... i thought i'd got
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:17 GMT 19 Jun 2007
Who mentioned the video? o_O I just plain disagree at some user attitudes of ri
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:13 GMT 19 Jun 2007
well I havn't used the site long, so i can only speak out of what I've seen/read
Re: More non-Quake News Please!
Posted @ 22:11 GMT 19 Jun 2007
i agree but it's the only icon I thought would be apt, since it carries a lot of
Re: Moving country...
Posted @ 22:10 GMT 19 Jun 2007
I moved from Northern Ireland to Spain! :D I hired a van, and drove from Nort
Re: Obituary: Esports Reality
Posted @ 22:07 GMT 19 Jun 2007
And the downfall was? In my opinion: its flaming/spamming/trolling users.
More non-Quake News Please!
Posted @ 22:04 GMT 19 Jun 2007
Since the majority of this site's members are quake players who don't know how t
Re: Political swing?
Posted @ 21:43 GMT 4 Jun 2007
Economic Left/Right: 0.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.46 I'm neither
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