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Registered:  6 Jul 2007
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Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  27 Sep 2007
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Re: s'all bout the money
Posted @ 10:49 GMT 27 Sep 2007
thats all? god that sk writer is a nub.
Re: s'all bout the money
Posted @ 12:44 GMT 26 Sep 2007
So what is this all about? I read sk post and it wasn't clear.
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 20:04 GMT 20 Sep 2007
Mac is shit, why do you think everyone uses Windows.
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 15:36 GMT 20 Sep 2007
Runs like a dream.
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 14:06 GMT 20 Sep 2007
Takes up too much resources.
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 13:17 GMT 20 Sep 2007
no Windows OS
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 08:17 GMT 20 Sep 2007
Dude u obviously aint seen Dreamscene in action.
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 08:16 GMT 20 Sep 2007
hey guess what, id's new engine which will be released in two years time looks j
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 00:38 GMT 20 Sep 2007
Vista is amazing, your living in the dark ages, how can you live without being a
Re: Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 19 Sep 2007
They left it out for a reason yee landlubbers, ahoy, without dx10 you get terrib
Crysis vs ETQW graphics
Posted @ 13:27 GMT 19 Sep 2007
Everything set to lowest (including DX9) in Crysis, still looks better than ETQW
Re: Id d3 engine without metal shaders
Posted @ 08:19 GMT 13 Sep 2007
idtech4 licensed to one game, Prey. UE3 has already been licensed to over 100 g
Re: What will "Quake 5" need to be a suc
Posted @ 10:08 GMT 9 Sep 2007
south africa and the iraq
Re: What will "Quake 5" need to be a suc
Posted @ 18:10 GMT 6 Sep 2007
Core gameplay evolution would be nice, major advancements to movement inparticul
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