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Posts: 6
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Level:  New User
Registered:  11 Jul 2008
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Age:  41
Location:  London
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
Avatar:  006
Config:  Available (36 dls)
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  29 Jul 2008
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Re: MX518 myths
Posted @ 13:36 GMT 19 Jul 2008
You havent answered in neither of the questions anyway. I can get the same sens
Re: Diamondback 3G - negative accel
Posted @ 10:54 GMT 19 Jul 2008
DB 3g is laser, DB older is optical.
Re: Diamondback 3G - negative accel
Posted @ 10:09 GMT 19 Jul 2008
DB 3g is laser, DB older is optical.
Re: Re: ESReality MouseScore 2007
Posted @ 20:13 GMT 12 Jul 2008
What about the MX518 1800DPI version?
MX518 myths
Posted @ 19:33 GMT 12 Jul 2008
the 1800DPI version. Performs best at 800 DPI? Overclocking USB has no effec
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