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Registered:  20 Oct 2008
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Timezone:  Asia/Seoul
Country:  Korea (Republic of)
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Last Login:  7 Aug 2012
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Re: Cypher again
Posted @ 19:11 GMT 3 Jul 2012
Pretty Cypher. That's the plan-unless anything untoward happens.
Re: DaHanG's stuff
Posted @ 13:39 GMT 2 Jul 2012
The only redeeming feature of the Kana is the design.
Re: rapha's WMO
Posted @ 06:44 GMT 2 Jul 2012
hm.. What problems with WMO? I think WMO is enough to play QL, isn' it? And Is
Re: rapha's WMO
Posted @ 05:11 GMT 2 Jul 2012
What is meaning of "they finally do"?
Re: rapha's WMO
Posted @ 16:23 GMT 1 Jul 2012
LOL. Why does Rapha put the SS sticker on WMO?
Re: DaHanG's stuff
Posted @ 18:18 GMT 20 Jun 2012
a bit expensive and shitty 3600fps. WMO is enough for QL.
Re: Dreamhack quake live final day
Posted @ 15:24 GMT 19 Jun 2012
Wmo is enough for quake. and better than kana.
Re: Ime3.0+goliathus combiantion
Posted @ 12:50 GMT 31 May 2012
Thank you very much for replying, belka. Yes, This setup is very good for ql b
Ime3.0+goliathus combiantion
Posted @ 15:35 GMT 30 May 2012
HI, I will buy abyssus but I have read some bad things about abyssus in here.
Re: I'm going to buy new mouse for QL.
Posted @ 16:05 GMT 26 May 2012 how about this
Re: I'm going to buy new mouse for QL.
Posted @ 13:29 GMT 26 May 2012
yes. I like very much cypher and cooller. so I see they have been using Abyssus
I'm going to buy new mouse for QL.
Posted @ 05:11 GMT 26 May 2012
hi everyone. I have been using ime3.0 for 3years and now it's time to change
lcd monitor how to setting to play q3?
Posted @ 13:21 GMT 7 Jan 2009
yesterday my 19" crt monitor die. and i have LG flatron 19" LCD monitor.(tn pan
quakecon2008 zero4 what use mouse,pad?
Posted @ 18:23 GMT 27 Oct 2008
i want to know zero4 what use mouse and mousepad. i'm fan cypher,cooller,zero4.
rapha what use mouse,mousepad?
Posted @ 11:02 GMT 20 Oct 2008
ESWC Masters of Athens 2008 rapha what uses mouse, mousepad? and cypher mous
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