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Registered:  30 Oct 2008
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Location:  Zevenaar
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Amsterdam
Country:  Netherlands
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Homepage:  www•freewebs•com\nopants\
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Last Login:  2 Apr 2012
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totally quaked the f up... b

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Re: Stermy -vs- Spartie
Posted @ 02:57 GMT 23 Mar 2009
have confidence in the devs that gave us Q3. id will pull throught.. :)
Re: Vo0 -vs- vorpal
Posted @ 02:07 GMT 23 Mar 2009
lmfao @ the bitching gj, made my day :)
Re: fox -vs- cooller
Posted @ 02:09 GMT 31 Jan 2009
dont hate the player, and plz dont hate the game. respect it for what it is, a g
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