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Posts: 14
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  4 Jan 2009
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Martin Spocker
Age:  Undisclosed
iM Replies:  Y
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Country:  Unset
Avatar:  g0d
Config:  Available (37 dls)
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  9 Feb 2009
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Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 16:15 GMT 9 Feb 2009
wow jebus christ, i never thought id be writing this post. the cure for it al
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 21:34 GMT 1 Feb 2009
i just tested this again and its not about internet it happened a few times agai
Re: Ambidextrousity?
Posted @ 09:14 GMT 1 Feb 2009
alright thanks for all the help, sticking with right hand ;)
Posted @ 18:31 GMT 31 Jan 2009
Hey guys, Ive been reading this forum for several months without making an accou
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 16:10 GMT 31 Jan 2009
well i found out how to disable dhcp that just fucked my connection and couldnt
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 10:19 GMT 31 Jan 2009
Yes i do have ADSL anon. :( DHCP mode can you explain a bit about this?
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 09:30 GMT 27 Jan 2009
by format i mean system restore, this hard disk as was the motherboard are from
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 09:19 GMT 26 Jan 2009
i found the source. My internet. Whenever i am not connected to the internet i
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 13:13 GMT 22 Jan 2009
no problems with memory
Re: crosshair picking items up
Posted @ 13:13 GMT 22 Jan 2009
are you guys serious? the command is obvious cg_crosshairpulse "0"
Re: stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 18:09 GMT 21 Jan 2009
vsync is off, flip queue is 0, removing everything non-esential did not change
Re: quake 3 and quakelive being choppy
Posted @ 09:24 GMT 20 Jan 2009
nearly the same problem..
stuttering weird lag
Posted @ 09:07 GMT 20 Jan 2009
hello all, i have been having a very weird stuttering problem in all games. my
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