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Registered:  5 Jan 2009
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Last Login:  29 Jun 2010
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Re: laptop lcd screen @ 60hz
Posted @ 21:43 GMT 17 Dec 2009
thx zealot =[ what about when they have LCD on lan what do they use when
Re: laptop lcd screen @ 60hz
Posted @ 16:25 GMT 17 Dec 2009
thanks for the analysis
laptop lcd screen @ 60hz
Posted @ 15:11 GMT 17 Dec 2009
Ahoy mateys I made a thread about concerning this a little while back but I g
Re: Razer Mamba Mouse & Carcharias Heads
Posted @ 07:45 GMT 10 Jan 2009
haha when Razer was holding that guess-the-name-of-our-newmouse contest the
Re: 60 hz lcd screen
Posted @ 00:12 GMT 6 Jan 2009
where can I reach these guys at?
60 hz lcd screen
Posted @ 22:29 GMT 5 Jan 2009
so I have a 60hz lcd what are the ideal values for my maxpackets/fps/refreshr
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