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Posts: 26
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  16 May 2009
Full Name:  George Gabriel
Age:  36
Location:  Athens
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Athens
Country:  Greece
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•clanwa5p•tk/
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  13 made, 7 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  1500
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  28 Sep 2009
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: BiBS Season 2 - European signups
Posted @ 11:14 GMT 3 Sep 2009
I left the BiBS admin team a couple weeks ago, but the last thing I worked on wa
Re: BiBS - Sneakpeek to Season II
Posted @ 23:21 GMT 10 Aug 2009
BiBS - Sneakpeek to Season II
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 10 Aug 2009
Just a few moments ago the guys behind []Bring it Back Safely
Re: A point about Euro TDM & CTF Cups
Posted @ 11:02 GMT 1 Aug 2009
We could definately use some feedback from the teams playing in those 4v4 CTF cu
Re: Dinner with SK|Lyn & WhO - interview
Posted @ 07:34 GMT 30 Jul 2009
First comment? How embarassing. God bless Stermy's marketing strategy and its
Re: QuakeLive.TV: BiBs Season 1 Standing
Posted @ 07:21 GMT 30 Jul 2009
Make sure you read up on the Season Report that was released yesterday, where yo
Re: QuakeLive.TV: BiBs Season 1 Standing
Posted @ 06:21 GMT 29 Jul 2009
Frankly, just using the BiBS Grand Final as a case study, the first map (Siberia
Re: QuakeLive.TV: BiBs Season 1 Playoffs
Posted @ 06:41 GMT 27 Jul 2009
BiBS Season I has come to an end. LowLandLions will hold on to the crown for som
Re: QuakeLive.TV: BiBs Season 1 Playoffs
Posted @ 20:58 GMT 23 Jul 2009
And a quick [b]UPDATE:[/b] Group A: [b]LowLandLions[/b] 2:0 mixed
Re: ESL Quake Live Summer Leagues
Posted @ 06:59 GMT 18 Jul 2009 Even in Europe, its pretty damn close.
Re: First Quakelive Tuesday Update
Posted @ 07:24 GMT 15 Jul 2009
Q3 was never perfect. I got proof.
Re: First Quakelive Tuesday Update
Posted @ 06:00 GMT 15 Jul 2009
truly amazing :) Thanks for clarifying, this really made my day.
Re: kuh3liga Quake Live TDM Summercup
Posted @ 16:12 GMT 14 Jul 2009
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE. Nice one Kellermensch, you've single handedly managed to r
Re: ESL-TV QL Invitational
Posted @ 14:56 GMT 13 Jul 2009
I could remove the "e" if you like
Re: ESL-TV QL Invitational
Posted @ 14:09 GMT 13 Jul 2009
go fox!
Re: Stermy Launches Lessons
Posted @ 12:01 GMT 1 Jul 2009
Ofc, its not. Even if you were going to pay for those lessons, would you post it
Re: Stermy Launches Lessons
Posted @ 15:58 GMT 30 Jun 2009
Apparently noone in here is familiar with the concept of the so-called "market f
BiBS & QLTV bring you Season I Playoffs!
Posted @ 06:35 GMT 30 Jun 2009
Right after the replacement of Inner Sanctum (team3) with Courtyard Conundrum (c
Re: Bring it Back Safely QL CTF League L
Posted @ 10:00 GMT 27 May 2009
BiBS is considering adding the newest map (Siberia - ctf8) to the Mappool. Vo
Re: Bring it Back Safely QL CTF League L
Posted @ 09:20 GMT 26 May 2009
No rules have been altered in any way. BiBS doesn't include any kind of playo
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