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Posts: 14
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  12 Sep 2009
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Age:  40
Location:  Lund
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Stockholm
Country:  Sweden
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  github•com/peol
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Judgements:  3 made, 27 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  3 Jan 2011
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Re: QLDP 1.3.2 released
Posted @ 16:10 GMT 2 Jan 2011
Nope, there's a few issues with FF4, but I will get them sorted as soon as FF4 g
Re: QLDP 1.3.2 released
Posted @ 11:23 GMT 2 Jan 2011
Firefox extensions isn't compatible with Prism on the fly, you'll need to do som
QLDP 1.3.2 released
Posted @ 00:30 GMT 2 Jan 2011
The QUAKE LIVE Demo Player has finally been updated and fixed. Changelist: *
Re: Quakelive tools updated
Posted @ 10:40 GMT 7 Nov 2009
I didn't mean anything negative at all, I just meant that I've got a _very_ tigh
Re: Quakelive tools updated
Posted @ 21:32 GMT 6 Nov 2009
It's a known issue with the current QUAKE LIVE client, and not QLDP itself. I ca
Re: Quakelive tools updated
Posted @ 21:32 GMT 6 Nov 2009
Yeah, I made a stupid mistake by exec'ing demo.cfg AFTER execing the playlist/de
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 09:48 GMT 14 Sep 2009
That's a known issue, add 'seta cl_quitOnDemoCompleted 0' to your demo.cfg and y
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 21:51 GMT 13 Sep 2009
Prism support is experimental at the moment, the next version should officially
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 16:59 GMT 13 Sep 2009
"New GUI! The new GUI is integrated into the very website in a more fashionable
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 12:50 GMT 13 Sep 2009
To help improve this extension, it would be awesome if you posted the problems i
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 12:27 GMT 13 Sep 2009
See my answer on Comment #2
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 12:27 GMT 13 Sep 2009
I'll try to debug the greasemonkey scripts, it does work with the tierchecker so
Re: Quake Live Demo Player 1.2
Posted @ 00:17 GMT 13 Sep 2009
I'm here, I'm just not used to the Quake community and where you guys hang out.
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