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Posts: 12
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  New User
Registered:  5 Nov 2009
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Holysh1t TV
Age:  44
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Amsterdam
Country:  Unset
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  tv•holysh1t•net
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  1 made, 19 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  1500
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  25 Dec 2009
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: Fancy some HD Quality Quake Live?
Posted @ 13:30 GMT 24 Dec 2009
Hi , cm here. Well i was doing streaming for the community and i was really h
Re: Fancy some HD Quality Quake Live?
Posted @ 14:41 GMT 23 Dec 2009
We actually did some testing with it back when we started out. there where some
Re: Fancy some HD Quality Quake Live?
Posted @ 13:18 GMT 23 Dec 2009
Our website is a bit Ajax heavy, for people who's computers have trouble with th
Re: Fancy some HD Quality Quake Live?
Posted @ 12:47 GMT 23 Dec 2009
This is odd news since Holysh1t TV will be covering the QuakeQuickCup Team Deat
New Quake Live movies at Holysh1t TV
Posted @ 22:59 GMT 13 Dec 2009
New Holysh1t TV special Quake live movies starting of with Unagi and Impression
Re: - Update 3 - New HD VODs
Posted @ 07:39 GMT 17 Nov 2009
New Zotac 7 games up and still adding
Re: ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #6 is over!
Posted @ 11:14 GMT 9 Nov 2009
Re: -Update- New HD VODs
Posted @ 21:55 GMT 8 Nov 2009
New VODs incomming :)
Re: New HD VODs for your viewing pleasur
Posted @ 14:45 GMT 6 Nov 2009
Yesterday's game between pstarZ and LLL were 2 close maps (it's added now)
Re: New HD VODs for your viewing pleasur
Posted @ 14:31 GMT 6 Nov 2009
In some cases there is a 15 seccond video ad before the game starts, its the pri
- Update 3 - New HD VODs
Posted @ 10:22 GMT 6 Nov 2009
Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know [url=]tv.holysh
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