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Registered:  20 Jan 2010
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Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  Portugal
Avatar:  Team Fortress
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Judgements:  36 made, 8 received
Bets Placed:  51 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  22 Sep 2010
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Re: hey to anyone who cares
Posted @ 00:37 GMT 6 Aug 2010
Re: ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #41
Posted @ 16:12 GMT 18 Jul 2010
Ok, fuck the "party" interview and fuck my hate for french... I love Strenx :D
Re: ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #41
Posted @ 15:59 GMT 18 Jul 2010
I despise Strenx since the "party" interview, but watching him completely destro
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 17:57 GMT 8 Jul 2010
I suppose the number of years you have lived are lower than my nick, I hope. Oth
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 15:06 GMT 8 Jul 2010
You realise it's a tottaly useless thing, nothing more than a different dress in
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 14:40 GMT 8 Jul 2010
About 500 at-least-6-men-teams (usually they have 8-10) says otherwise, and this
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 02:19 GMT 8 Jul 2010
LOL. I'm done here, not wasting my time properly replying to blind/idiot.
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 21:59 GMT 7 Jul 2010
LOL? Are you kidding or trolling? If that doesnt deserve respect and our mone
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 19:33 GMT 7 Jul 2010
vedic already pointed one reason... More? Why not some like: -Almost all (
Re: LMAO@Blizzard
Posted @ 14:11 GMT 7 Jul 2010
Wait... You're saying that Blizzard is worse than the best company in game de
Re: Football:The importance of being Ita
Posted @ 23:31 GMT 5 Jul 2010
Yep, but that was over 50 years ago, the 1st and 4th world cup... And Im only
Re: Football:The importance of being Ita
Posted @ 21:34 GMT 5 Jul 2010
Most of you just forget about what really matters... It's not quality players
Re: WC 2010: Spain - Portugal
Posted @ 01:48 GMT 30 Jun 2010
Sucks to have only 7 players playing these days, and from whom only 4 really des
Re: ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #38
Posted @ 17:11 GMT 27 Jun 2010
F*cking awesome play in T7 by Stermy... Edit: Awesome 4 minutes... Then he lo
Re: G Data QL Cup #31
Posted @ 16:46 GMT 26 Jun 2010
What was the "Red vs Blue" music title?
Re: Need Help on a keyboard!
Posted @ 16:26 GMT 26 Jun 2010
Guild Wars? I love her already too... Anyway:
Re: Cancer Cures
Posted @ 20:05 GMT 24 Jun 2010
Yeah, because me and everyone else biggest dream (except for, uh, americans, rus
Re: Cancer Cures
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 24 Jun 2010
Bah... Why do I even waste my time answering an idiot without a clue in the
Re: Cancer Cures
Posted @ 19:19 GMT 24 Jun 2010
Uh, what? Timezone, not city... Still, London is 345748934563 times bett
Re: Cancer Cures
Posted @ 17:22 GMT 24 Jun 2010
Surgery completely unnecessary? Seriously, get a fucking clue. In many cases,
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