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Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 16:23 GMT 14 Jan 2011
QLDT Help: [url=]English[/url], [url=htt
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 16:04 GMT 2 Dec 2010
You can [url=
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 13:45 GMT 10 Sep 2010
>when editing configs in it, you can't CTRL+C or CTRL+V or it will crash or it s
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 13:42 GMT 10 Sep 2010
I can't reproduce your issue on my machine in order to fix it.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 04:57 GMT 10 Sep 2010
Can't reproduce it.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 13:43 GMT 1 Sep 2010
>Seems like i can play the clipped demo fine when i'm running it from the main d
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 07:17 GMT 1 Sep 2010
Hmm, looks like cpma demos can't be edited now. Will be fixed.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 05:48 GMT 1 Sep 2010
Any, but you can't watch vanilla demos with cnq3. "+set fs_game gamemode" passed
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 04:47 GMT 1 Sep 2010
After the selecting, restart the prog, and you'll see a Q3 button in the directo
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 05:40 GMT 31 Aug 2010
When it will be time, ok.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 18:25 GMT 30 Aug 2010
After id added a real pause and promised a cam support, everything is possible.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 15:45 GMT 30 Aug 2010
I see, it's not a bug. "com_cameramode" cvar, with a value of 1, allows QL p
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 07:11 GMT 30 Aug 2010
Just tested, all works fine, you can cut/edit everything in FT demo and then pre
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 06:57 GMT 27 Aug 2010
1. 2. Read about QL ke
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 14:46 GMT 9 Aug 2010
Yes it is. QL autorization process is changed due to new account system, so it's
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 07:46 GMT 1 Jun 2010
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 05:48 GMT 18 May 2010
Try 0.8.3 2Morrigu these bugs fixed in last ver.
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 17:47 GMT 15 May 2010
Fine, then 7 is now supported =)
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 17:07 GMT 15 May 2010
QL by default caches any config changes. To disable it and always play with one
Re: Quake Live Demo Tools
Posted @ 17:07 GMT 15 May 2010
Win7 isn't supported now.
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