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Posts: 7
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  New User
Registered:  6 Jul 2010
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  35
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  America/Winnipeg
Country:  Canada
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•own-age•com
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  1 made, 1 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  1000
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  30 Aug 2013
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: Wolf Whisperer
Posted @ 23:00 GMT 30 Aug 2013
Do you have a good estimate of when a stable update for Wolfcam 10.xx will be re
Re: North American RA3 / CTF Servers
Posted @ 05:51 GMT 8 Jul 2010
Ah. I know Crom uses scripts to have bots join all day to make the server look
Re: North American RA3 / CTF Servers
Posted @ 21:42 GMT 7 Jul 2010
I'm aware. I'm primarily a ctf player and I was away from q3 for about 3 years
Re: Quake 3 dosen't whit win7
Posted @ 01:44 GMT 7 Jul 2010
I think it's best that we don't speak ever AL|EN. There is a serious communicat
North American RA3 / CTF Servers
Posted @ 01:37 GMT 7 Jul 2010
Is there any good North American RA3 / CTF servers left? From what I can see RA
Re: Quake 3 dosen't whit win7
Posted @ 22:13 GMT 6 Jul 2010
Try running it in compatibility mode. To turn on compatibility mode, right clic
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