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Posts: 19
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  23 Aug 2010
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Bob the Builder
Age:  38
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Africa/Johannesburg
Country:  South Africa
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  5 made, 13 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  11 Nov 2023
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: dmmq3.exe
Posted @ 20:07 GMT 29 Dec 2020
Did we time-warp back to '99?
Re: Maps are TOO bright
Posted @ 13:10 GMT 30 Aug 2020
Get rid of that nasty vertex lighting and you'll be fine.
Re: DM9 (Hero's Keep) REMOVED???
Posted @ 07:00 GMT 24 Oct 2014
Don't get your hopes up of ever having that map back in the format you enjoyed.
Re: Edawn 1.3.2
Posted @ 18:41 GMT 2 Oct 2013
Thanks, a few more things to consider for next version: - com_hunkMegs should d
Re: Edawn 1.3.2
Posted @ 11:29 GMT 27 Sep 2013
Nice, works perfectly. Thanks...
Re: Edawn 1.3.2
Posted @ 17:54 GMT 25 Sep 2013
Didn't notice that file there. Good stuff! Also: 1. Is there a way to stop conn
Re: Edawn 1.3.2
Posted @ 15:37 GMT 24 Sep 2013
Matches always seem to start as soon as 2 players have joined. Is there a way to
Re: Account bannning
Posted @ 13:47 GMT 9 May 2013
if the lions don't rape you then our president certainly will
Re: Account bannning
Posted @ 13:47 GMT 9 May 2013
Sasparillo only seems to do permanent bans. And I managed to piss him off enough
Re: Account bannning
Posted @ 17:54 GMT 3 May 2013
Everything went fine when Ordus was running the show, then Sasparillo came along
Re: Account bannning
Posted @ 17:21 GMT 3 May 2013
lol, welcome to the prestigious ban club
Re: QL Map list as of 4-30-2012
Posted @ 11:02 GMT 4 May 2012
Re: Harvester and 1FCTF
Posted @ 11:48 GMT 2 May 2012
harvester can be just as competitive as ctf. the problem is people compare it to
Re: id is hard at work, finally - \o/
Posted @ 13:04 GMT 9 Apr 2012
so to summarize this update: 1. they decided to turn domination into another it
Re: The QUAKE LIVE Console Guide
Posted @ 07:15 GMT 18 Feb 2011
Thanks sharpe. Yeah the only reason it's not hosted anywhere is because I haven'
Re: The QUAKE LIVE Console Guide
Posted @ 07:14 GMT 18 Feb 2011
Lorfa!!! Where have you been and why are you not a mod on QL forums anymore? Pol
The QUAKE LIVE Console Guide
Posted @ 19:15 GMT 14 Feb 2011
[i][b]Welcome to QUAKE LIVE's most complete and most detailed console guide![/b]
Re: Concrete Palace - New Kid on the Blo
Posted @ 19:40 GMT 6 Feb 2011
I'm no duelist but this map I've been a big fan of ever since I first tried it.
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