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Posts: 15
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  7 Sep 2010
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  41
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  Europe/Zurich
Country:  Switzerland
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  0 made, 0 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  1000
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  21 Sep 2010
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 16:27 GMT 17 Sep 2010
three more days to go :) if you haven't filled out my survey yet that is...
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 15:05 GMT 14 Sep 2010
first of all: thx for your good wishes. second: my mentor told me that it was
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 14:05 GMT 13 Sep 2010
thx m8 looks like your post boosted my participants count...60 all new filled o
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 14:04 GMT 13 Sep 2010
yeah i know. but i can't change anything now because all the questionnaires fill
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 12:47 GMT 12 Sep 2010
After approximately 6 days 388ppl started the survey of which 332 finished it.
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 10:35 GMT 10 Sep 2010
indeed :)
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 10:35 GMT 10 Sep 2010
thx dude :D
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 21:17 GMT 9 Sep 2010
thx a lot for your participation :) up till now 349 ppl started the survey of
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 17:00 GMT 8 Sep 2010
i know, it's 101010 small update: after 48h 280 ppl started the survey of wh
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 10:45 GMT 8 Sep 2010
yes I will (check my soon edited initial post)
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 23:15 GMT 7 Sep 2010
I don't think so but who knows ;) and i guess they are aware that the community
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 18:04 GMT 7 Sep 2010
well as i stated,i'm not affiliated to id software. but i'll sure post the resul
Re: QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 18:04 GMT 7 Sep 2010
well it's my first survey and so far i didn't have specific "education". that mo
QuakeLive Survey
Posted @ 15:15 GMT 7 Sep 2010
EDIT: The survey has ended. During the 15 days it has been up, 523 ppl started
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