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Posts: 68
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  29 Nov 2010
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Age:  36
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Timezone:  Europe/Prague
Country:  Croatia
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Judgements:  572 made, 9 received
Bets Placed:  10 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  28 Apr 2013
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Re: Rapha to start regularly streaming q
Posted @ 17:42 GMT 17 Apr 2012
Would be awesome if he'd do commentary while playing
Re: Notch vs Pirate @ Q3 - On Monday
Posted @ 18:27 GMT 16 Apr 2012
yep, no quake today!/notch/status/191907374053867521
Re: 2k's Rocket Scientist
Posted @ 16:12 GMT 29 Mar 2012
Half of the maps in the video are from Quake.
Re: 2009-2012 Event Results
Posted @ 05:04 GMT 29 Mar 2012
Nice site. But why are only LAN events linked with info even tho you made articl
Re: Player Feature: GEN1US
Posted @ 05:28 GMT 28 Mar 2012
It's "[url=,_ego_and_super-ego#Id]id[/url]" Softw
Re: Your Free/Prem/Pro content distribut
Posted @ 04:34 GMT 27 Mar 2012
For now I would leave it as it is except I'd make Freeze Tag free during weekend
Re: id is hard at work, finally - chapte
Posted @ 03:22 GMT 27 Mar 2012
Or make it so new player has to play at least 20 FFA games to unlock CA. Then at
Re: list of companys that produce mice
Posted @ 23:17 GMT 26 Mar 2012
What's the list for? Saitek Genius Trust
Re: SC2 Pros playing QuakeLive @ LoneSta
Posted @ 05:28 GMT 24 Mar 2012
whitera looks like a serial killer
Re: Movies you might have missed
Posted @ 13:34 GMT 19 Mar 2012
hi doggy
Re: Movies you might have missed
Posted @ 13:33 GMT 19 Mar 2012
Let The Right One In Into The Wild There Will Be Blood Bound Videodrome Vam
Re: Movies you might have missed
Posted @ 12:43 GMT 19 Mar 2012
Antichrist is the most boring film I've ever seen
Re: SC2 Pros playing QuakeLive @ LoneSta
Posted @ 23:19 GMT 18 Mar 2012
That was the ugliest QL config I've ever seen. And no sound to it makes it even
Re: jump script
Posted @ 15:57 GMT 17 Mar 2012
why not mouse2 for the jump?
Re: team arena
Posted @ 15:19 GMT 17 Mar 2012
I used to love the Overload mode. Hope they bring it back with QL. Hated player
Re: ZOTAC QL Duel Cup #124
Posted @ 06:30 GMT 11 Mar 2012
this time playing with nudge
Re: Leaked Doom4 screenshots?
Posted @ 06:22 GMT 1 Mar 2012
Love the music
Re: quake movies on
Posted @ 00:56 GMT 28 Feb 2012
wow this is awesome
Re: New Quake Clothes Collection
Posted @ 17:55 GMT 16 Feb 2012
Dunno. I'd buy RL and LG in a heartbeat but there's no real FAQ on the site and
Re: New Quake Clothes Collection
Posted @ 20:35 GMT 13 Feb 2012
Decided to get a shirt. You do send stuff outside of Germany right? It would be
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