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Re: Desktop/Ingame sensitivity calculato
Posted @ 18:25 GMT 25 Jun 2014
I just want it to be similar in a way so that it doesn't feel completely differe
Desktop/Ingame sensitivity calculator?
Posted @ 22:20 GMT 24 Jun 2014
This site just came out with a calculator to match ingame with desktop sensitivi
Re: Message to evil
Posted @ 20:39 GMT 30 Nov 2013
Name good mice for claw?
Re: Lowest input lag monitor?
Posted @ 23:45 GMT 24 Feb 2013
Yeah I've seen that but the other games I will be playing will run at 30-40fps s
Lowest input lag monitor?
Posted @ 22:35 GMT 24 Feb 2013
What is the absolute lowest input lag monitor out right now regardless of hz? No
Easy Configs?
Posted @ 02:41 GMT 20 Aug 2012
Anyone have a config that is easy to configure and has all the settings explaine
LG 227WTG Input lag?
Posted @ 01:53 GMT 9 May 2012
I'm getting controversial reviews from deprad / anatech saying it is 0ms and di
Re: Best mousepad?
Posted @ 02:29 GMT 9 Oct 2011
How do people use the icemat if it wears your skates out in a week?
Re: Best mousepad?
Posted @ 11:12 GMT 8 Oct 2011
How durable are hyperglides on icemat? How long do they last before you have to
Re: Best mousepad?
Posted @ 15:19 GMT 7 Oct 2011
I don't really want to go with plastic because from what I hear, it wears out fa
ATI fixed aspect ratio through VGA
Posted @ 06:53 GMT 1 Oct 2011
For some reason they don't support fixed aspect ratio through ATI in VGA so I'm
Re: WMO question with accel
Posted @ 09:55 GMT 29 Sep 2011
0.1 ql.. I could bump it more if necessary.. How much accel would I need to coun
WMO question with accel
Posted @ 07:39 GMT 29 Sep 2011
If I play 50cm/360 with accel, will I reach negative accel?
Re: Best mousepad?
Posted @ 12:46 GMT 20 Sep 2011
I have a razer destructor currently and It's a little to fast for me and I prefe
Re: Best mousepad?
Posted @ 00:37 GMT 19 Sep 2011
Abyssus or wmo depending on what I get. I would get the abyssus right now but
Best mousepad?
Posted @ 20:07 GMT 18 Sep 2011
Icemat qck heavy allsop raindrop xl artisan hayate Which one should I choo
Re: Logitech m90 m100?
Posted @ 21:24 GMT 15 Jun 2011
Yeah I've been using the deathadder for 4 years and it's alright for claw grip b
Re: Highest friction mousepad?
Posted @ 07:34 GMT 15 Jun 2011
Alright then I'll be going with the allsop raindrop xl then.
Logitech m90 m100?
Posted @ 00:40 GMT 15 Jun 2011
I hear good things about this mouse. I'm debating between zowie mico, m90-100
Re: Highest friction mousepad?
Posted @ 23:10 GMT 14 Jun 2011
I might be going with the supermat, anyone have this mousepad to compare?
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