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Posts: 15
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  19 Jun 2011
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  James G
Age:  Undisclosed
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  America/New_York
Country:  United States of America
Avatar:  Default
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  29 Jun 2011
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Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 04:39 GMT 29 Jun 2011
You listed tournaments and ladders. That's quite different from dedicated league
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 04:39 GMT 29 Jun 2011
Exactly. Glad you agree with me.
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 04:39 GMT 29 Jun 2011
And you must be joking if you consider those fraggednation ladders to be legit,
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 04:37 GMT 29 Jun 2011
I'm talking about an incentive competition wise. You don't think sc2 players are
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 20:31 GMT 28 Jun 2011
What dedicated league does QL have right now?
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 20:31 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Look at starcraft, they have an incentive to move up into different leagues. Sam
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 17:51 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Pretty sure it isn't the same one, I could be wrong though, I've only been playi
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 17:43 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Yeah, I don't know how it would work out, but I do know that if they run the lea
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 17:41 GMT 28 Jun 2011
I'm not sure if you know what ESEA does, but they host leagues year round. There
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 17:41 GMT 28 Jun 2011
They are both co-owners
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 08:37 GMT 28 Jun 2011
You are the most pessimistic person i've ever seen. I just started playing QL ag
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 08:37 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Haha I never bothered looking for his QL account :P
Re: ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 03:34 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Yeah they do. It'll be interesting to see what they want to do but I know the ow
ESEA and Quake?
Posted @ 23:52 GMT 27 Jun 2011 With discussion on the ESEA forums about IEM d
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