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Registered:  21 Jun 2011
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Age:  58
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Avatar:  QLcz
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Last Login:  16 Jun 2012
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Re: strenx 2011 - Teaser
Posted @ 14:58 GMT 22 Aug 2011
No, you don't get my message. Prolly because my poor english. I say that stre
Re: strenx 2011 - Teaser
Posted @ 13:43 GMT 22 Aug 2011
If strenx would put some brain-heavy frags on cooller taken before the interview
Re: QuakeCon 2011
Posted @ 00:49 GMT 5 Aug 2011
killsen aliasing with "strenx"?
Re: Tox interview pre QCon`11
Posted @ 20:58 GMT 2 Aug 2011
In q3 in tdm he used nice brain-hack. It was timing every item on map. Afair it
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Groups
Posted @ 22:48 GMT 28 Jul 2011
He just barely beat Dahang. That's all what he did in duel on this lan. Spartie
Re: What's the successor of diamonback 3
Posted @ 11:51 GMT 23 Jul 2011
Maybe I have bizzare hands :o I don't like these ultra-ergonomic-designed mouses
What's the successor of diamonback 3g?
Posted @ 00:24 GMT 23 Jul 2011
Hi, I had diamondback, next diamondback 3g and really enjoy those mouses. Whi
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Invitees
Posted @ 14:22 GMT 22 Jul 2011
Not playing with strenx in team is common sense, not hybris.
Re: LoL > ql
Posted @ 13:43 GMT 30 Jun 2011
To be clear - I don't say that there are many mac-user+programmer people. And of
Re: LoL > ql
Posted @ 09:11 GMT 29 Jun 2011
Funny that most of people who use macs who I know are programmers or smth like t
Re: Dreamhack Summer 2011 Analysis
Posted @ 15:35 GMT 22 Jun 2011
Would be nice to have this data in some "computable" format. Then we could run s
Re: Quake Triathlon
Posted @ 15:35 GMT 22 Jun 2011
There's no competition. Tony wins tournament even if czm wins.
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