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Registered:  28 Jun 2011
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Last Login:  30 Jun 2011
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Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 15:06 GMT 30 Jun 2011
He's not even saying that. He's saying that you call football easy because you c
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 15:06 GMT 30 Jun 2011
Better than Brink at least ;)
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 12:15 GMT 29 Jun 2011
Maybe it he talking about his score (which starts at 0) and his ping (which is s
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 20:46 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Well somebody's mad. I'm just saying that is what the game looks like to the ave
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 20:46 GMT 28 Jun 2011
There is no need to out move your opponent if your positioning is better to star
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 20:13 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Good teams can push without uber. You aren't forced to wait for it. And there is
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 20:13 GMT 28 Jun 2011
In addition, quake lacks smaller props on maps to abuse. Good scouts use this to
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 20:13 GMT 28 Jun 2011
There is definitely a huge difference between trying to hit top tier players and
Re: Competitive TF2 needs you!
Posted @ 09:53 GMT 28 Jun 2011
Easy $1000 then :)
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