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Registered:  1 Jul 2011
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Age:  50
Location:  Omaha
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Timezone:  America/Chicago
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Homepage:  www•cyber-sports•net
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Last Login:  24 Jul 2012
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Re: QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Experience
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 24 Jul 2012
This is not about sc2 fans going to Quakecon .. this is about bringing a popular
Re: QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Experience
Posted @ 14:58 GMT 24 Jul 2012
TosspoT ... great to hear from you sir. I will get you the CSN paypal accoun
Re: QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Experience
Posted @ 01:58 GMT 23 Jul 2012
I wanted to personally thank those from ESR that have donated to the project. CS
Re: QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Experience
Posted @ 20:28 GMT 21 Jul 2012
Shit.. I told Fat I would give him $100 bucks and a few byes if he would!
Re: QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Experience
Posted @ 16:58 GMT 21 Jul 2012
Let me try to clear up some of the misconceptions here.. The prizing for the
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Group Advanceme
Posted @ 03:33 GMT 31 Jul 2011
It is NOT our place to 'help make things right' with the groups/brackets.. you s
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Group Advanceme
Posted @ 15:59 GMT 30 Jul 2011
You are wrong.. It is already determined who has entered the event.. its the out
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Group Advanceme
Posted @ 06:27 GMT 30 Jul 2011
some of you are missing the point that its not just a matter of a popularity con
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Group Advanceme
Posted @ 22:36 GMT 29 Jul 2011
umm.. .wow. neato. shocked. perplexed. scared. baffled. dumbfounded. excited. re
Re: QuakeCon 2011 - Duel Invitees
Posted @ 17:26 GMT 22 Jul 2011
walter.. would you have gone had you been an 'invite player'? Would you consider
Re: playQUAKE Launch Cup Tonight!
Posted @ 23:01 GMT 17 Jul 2011
good stuff!
Re: Rumble Pit Showmatch #1
Posted @ 18:03 GMT 11 Jul 2011
The Freeze Tag stuff was setup to showcase the mod. The mod is fairly new to Qua
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