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Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 16:15 GMT 9 Feb 2018
i did, it's a laughable concern troll attempt considering congressional republic
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 16:10 GMT 9 Feb 2018
there's nothing political about this, carter page has been under a microscope fo
Re: john romero on why games suck today
Posted @ 16:05 GMT 9 Feb 2018
old man yells at cloud. the "casualization" of games is simply due to the fa
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 15:31 GMT 9 Feb 2018
na, trump is a clueless sheep who is easily manipulated he doesn't have the m
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 15:29 GMT 9 Feb 2018
dude, the dossier was first financed by the washington free beacon which is a ri
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 15:27 GMT 9 Feb 2018
ben shapiro, hahaha.
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 15:26 GMT 9 Feb 2018
i just like to laugh at you dipshits you gobble up rightwing propaganda
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 12:49 GMT 9 Feb 2018
dude, the memo is a dud. nunes, in his own stupidity put the focus on carter pag
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 12:36 GMT 9 Feb 2018
let me guess, you think orban is a-ok and soros is some form of devil
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 00:52 GMT 9 Feb 2018
every few months i come back to check out how far down the drain this forum has
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 00:46 GMT 9 Feb 2018
holy shit, this is like a calvalcade of debunked rightwing talking points, do yo
Re: Dems going down
Posted @ 13:03 GMT 8 Feb 2018
about as unthinkable as your keyboard falling behind your desk and reloading the
Re: Why Donald Trump
Posted @ 17:24 GMT 7 Nov 2016
ah yes, the russian manchurian candidate that has the gay conversion guy as his
Re: Why Donald Trump
Posted @ 17:15 GMT 7 Nov 2016
i see esr made the full transition to rightwing echochamber
Re: Thorin's Thoughts - Quake Can't Be #
Posted @ 12:02 GMT 4 Sep 2016
good video overall quake, or a quakelike game, probably won't go mainstream a
Re: brexit woo
Posted @ 15:14 GMT 30 Jun 2016
we'll lose less member than the uk in that whole ordeal
Re: brexit woo
Posted @ 15:11 GMT 30 Jun 2016
i don't have to fuck off, you did. thanks
Re: brexit woo
Posted @ 15:06 GMT 30 Jun 2016
you're an open book dude, why do you think snakeoil salesmen are so effectivly s
Re: brexit woo
Posted @ 15:02 GMT 30 Jun 2016
and your solution is to give power to rupert murdochs best friend michael gove.
Re: brexit woo
Posted @ 15:00 GMT 30 Jun 2016
you on the other hand are a cat with eight legs, i know that you're the guy t
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