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Posts: 8
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Registered:  20 Oct 2011
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Location:  Ohio
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Timezone:  America/Detroit
Country:  United States of America
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Judgements:  1 made, 3 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  23 Oct 2011
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Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 15:23 GMT 23 Oct 2011
Vedic, this is a problem admittedly. The hardest thing to stomach about DooM2 in
Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 08:52 GMT 23 Oct 2011
Here are a few cool videos on Youtube of some IDL players as well as a random, o
Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 14:37 GMT 21 Oct 2011
Aha it appears as though I did. Thank you for the correction!
Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 14:37 GMT 21 Oct 2011
Absolutely! First, drop by and join #idl. You can query any of
Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 06:12 GMT 21 Oct 2011
It's v
Re: Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 06:12 GMT 21 Oct 2011
Yes, by far. There are a few die-hard Old Schoolers who are still operating on w
Competitive DooM CTF league - IDL
Posted @ 05:56 GMT 20 Oct 2011
Hi ESRers! I'm from the DooM2 (ZDaemon) community and I'm here to advertise
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