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Posts: 11
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  12 Jan 2012
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  pektopah
Age:  Undisclosed
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  0
Country:  Finland
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Judgements:  4 made, 4 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  15 Jan 2012
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Re: Behind the scenes in 4on4
Posted @ 18:03 GMT 15 Jan 2012
Ah sorry Phil! I think I didn't communicate very good here, I really like your j
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 11:04 GMT 14 Jan 2012
Hi Zalu! Just drop by at #qwrookie at quakenet, everybody there are more tha
Re: Behind the scenes in 4on4
Posted @ 20:59 GMT 13 Jan 2012
Yeah, this is really bad communication imo, and phil! is not doing good job adve
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 20:59 GMT 13 Jan 2012
it was me who joked about qw players being better, not dirtbox.
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 21:47 GMT 12 Jan 2012
Really impressive game by fojji/fox, I remember seeing also some other impressiv
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 12 Jan 2012
Btw, about QW players not accomplishing anything: does SK-gaming ring a bell?
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 21:17 GMT 12 Jan 2012
I don't think you're stupid by any means! Quite opposite I thought you'd see str
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 21:17 GMT 12 Jan 2012
I couldn't agree more with you! My post ealier about QW players being more s
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 17:37 GMT 12 Jan 2012
The thing about out-aiming aimbots is that nobody cares about aimbots in QW sinc
Re: QuakeLive vs QuakeWorld 1on1 Tourney
Posted @ 13:38 GMT 12 Jan 2012
As an QL and QW player I can really say that the skill level in QW is much highe
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