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Posts: 10
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Level:  New User
Registered:  2 Apr 2012
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  36
Location:  Amsterdam
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Amsterdam
Country:  Netherlands
Avatar:  AGASA
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  4 Apr 2012
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Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 15:20 GMT 4 Apr 2012
have used quite a few different soaps/antiperspirant, have not been satisfied wi
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 15:20 GMT 4 Apr 2012
will your mouse be water proof? XD
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 16:15 GMT 2 Apr 2012
it does not work for me :d
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 2 Apr 2012
Qpad CT 1.5mm (cloth?) same problem there. any suggestions for hard pad?
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 2 Apr 2012
yeh, some people use botex to stop sweaty hands :d
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 2 Apr 2012
would rather have dry hands. hand sweat is so embarrassing when you meet new peo
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 16:14 GMT 2 Apr 2012
same thing if it's cold :p
Re: sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 13:36 GMT 2 Apr 2012
I dunno, have been to the doctor and got pills to reduce handsweat. the thing w
sweaty hands :(
Posted @ 10:28 GMT 2 Apr 2012
is there a good mouse pad for people with really sweaty hands? my QcK+ gets wet
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