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Posts: 11
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  New User
Registered:  20 Oct 2012
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Alex o0
Age:  27
Location:  Linkoping
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Stockholm
Country:  Ukraine
Avatar:  Default
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Judgements:  1 made, 2 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  22 Jan 2013
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Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 00:59 GMT 5 Nov 2012
I am sure that its 450 dpi, 500hz 0.4 sens and 0.04 accel. When i 360 slowly
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 14:12 GMT 4 Nov 2012
Ok ive tried what you said, It doesnt matter if i move it on the co.loured or th
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 14:11 GMT 4 Nov 2012
I did a test today, it turns out that if i move my mouse more then 15 cm it stop
Re: Most suitable QL duel map
Posted @ 00:38 GMT 4 Nov 2012
ZTN: T7: these are the only two maps in the whole game where the 2 playe
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 00:08 GMT 4 Nov 2012
You're Cute Beerman))
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 00:08 GMT 4 Nov 2012
I think its somethign with my computer or something, because ive had 3 diff mice
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 00:08 GMT 4 Nov 2012
I will try all of that in the morning =), ty
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 02:00 GMT 3 Nov 2012
Ye i know right? Im using the Mirror edition of abyssus and Goliathus 45 cm m-pa
Re: Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 00:42 GMT 2 Nov 2012
I have turned in_mouse 2 on, now i can turn around 260,m but slowly, when doing
Mouse Stuck
Posted @ 22:40 GMT 20 Oct 2012
When i try to turn around 180/360 with abyssus, it sometimes gets stuck (it stop
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