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Posts: 186
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  2 Feb 2002
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  51
Location:  Banska Bystrica
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Bratislava
Country:  Slovakia
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  114 made, 100 received
Bets Placed:  148 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  6634
Buddied by:  4 users
Last Login:  14 Dec 2019
Theme:  Custom theme

Buddy list: Description:
- computers, technology, graphics
- art/comics (fantasy, sci-fi - Moyen, Parkinson, Elmore),
- recreational weight lifting (could benchpress 170-180kg few years ago :))
-games: always been into rocket play style :) UT2004 (rm), UT (turbo lms), Diablo 2 (private realm), griddlers
death/grind/gore/doom - BOLT THROWER, MORTICIAN, NILE, etc
sci-fi/fantasy/adventure - Verne, Waltari, Salvatore, etc
Arrival, Pitch Black, Aliens, etc

- DM-Gorefest-Sandcastle - one and only publicly released UT map :)
- some tracked music (death/grind)

*eat people, not animals*

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Topics Replies Type
Re: Learning Japanese
Posted @ 07:45 GMT 15 Jun 2007
all you need to know is "kutabare" :)
Re: Tendency of FPS gaming?
Posted @ 09:55 GMT 29 Jan 2007
lol severity, game by people who live in past for people who live in past, welco
Re: Start with Windows Rant
Posted @ 17:45 GMT 24 Dec 2006
long live virtual pc :) i do installs on virtual pc and then just copy the nece
Re: #unpredictables - the movie released
Posted @ 10:46 GMT 28 Sep 2006
set filter > clear UT/UT2003/UT2004/UT2007 and i dont see how would you end up
Re: #unpredictables - the movie released
Posted @ 10:27 GMT 27 Sep 2006
so why do you even bother viewing unreal related news? obviously either for tro
Re: Top 15 metal songs
Posted @ 12:03 GMT 10 Aug 2006
wintersun is good but not as good as ensiferum, i just like the whole viking fla
Metalocalypse is fun :)
Posted @ 10:48 GMT 10 Aug 2006
anyone seen this? pretty funny animated tv show about death metal band DETHKLOK
Re: Top 15 metal songs
Posted @ 09:57 GMT 10 Aug 2006
insomnium is great, also ensiferum
Re: QuakeCon 06: Q4 1v1 Finals Video
Posted @ 18:29 GMT 7 Aug 2006
Re: Thanks Blizzard...
Posted @ 10:38 GMT 24 Jul 2006
haha can you say lottery and casino pretty crappy, esp horrible movement
Re: Anime :)
Posted @ 22:37 GMT 15 Jul 2006
not mentioned here yet perhaps twelve kingdoms, wolfs rain, eureka 7, gilgamesh,
Re: Anime :)
Posted @ 22:25 GMT 15 Jul 2006
pretty much same as naruto or any other long running series :)
Re: Anime :)
Posted @ 07:28 GMT 14 Jul 2006
perhaps inuyasha or for bloody stuff Elfen Lied and Gantz :)
Re: Kojima
Posted @ 15:19 GMT 11 Jul 2006
why should he eat flesh? :)
Re: Covlan 1v1 & TDM Final Movies
Posted @ 08:43 GMT 9 Jun 2006
nice commentary, though q4 really is horrible even when played at top level.
Re: Purchasing already owned domains
Posted @ 10:04 GMT 29 May 2006
a victim of [url=]DomainKiting[/url]?
Re: adult handle bars
Posted @ 13:04 GMT 25 May 2006
use ear-rings :D
Re: Eurovision heavy metal?
Posted @ 09:10 GMT 19 May 2006
decade of therion is great :)
Re: Fatal1ty E3 Shootout Video
Posted @ 16:50 GMT 14 May 2006
perhaps the difference is in the way you like your movement, i really like close
Re: Fatal1ty E3 Shootout Video
Posted @ 15:43 GMT 13 May 2006
whats with all the negative ut2007 mojo? :)
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