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Posts: 13
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Registered:  24 Jul 2013
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Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  18 Jul 2014
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Re: Post your setup for watching QCON!
Posted @ 08:44 GMT 18 Jul 2014
what is the correct image tagging pls? Im stupid :(
Re: Post your setup for watching QCON!
Posted @ 21:53 GMT 17 Jul 2014
Quakecon and my Retro rig running side by side: My Win 98 Retro rig: http:/
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 13:50 GMT 15 Sep 2013
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 12:23 GMT 15 Sep 2013
Thanks for the replies guys. Still working on it, glad in a way I not locked in
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 18:16 GMT 29 Aug 2013
Real sorry to say guys that I won't be able to make the deadline.. (Aug 31st) I
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 17:17 GMT 15 Aug 2013
Thanks Mario. I've expanded even more on the rail room which you'll see in the n
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 11:59 GMT 15 Aug 2013
Its a Q3A .pk3 guys, I don't thank that will work with QL. Put it in your 'Qua
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 22:04 GMT 14 Aug 2013
Complete re-scale complete! Map is now around 60% of its previous size, many a
Re: Duel players feedback for new map la
Posted @ 08:51 GMT 27 Jul 2013
Buster, I think you slightly misunderstood the purpose of this thread, but if yo
Duel players feedback for new map layout
Posted @ 17:16 GMT 25 Jul 2013
Hi guys, I am working on a new duel map for the Maverick Servers summer comp an
Re: QuakeCon 2013 tournaments
Posted @ 13:01 GMT 25 Jul 2013
Yes it is a loss not having Cypher since he is so strongly associated with Qcon,
Re: QuakeCon 2013 tournaments
Posted @ 10:02 GMT 24 Jul 2013
It would be nice to have Jehar as part of the broadcast in some way. He might no
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