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Posts: 11
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Registered:  3 Sep 2013
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Last Login:  17 Feb 2014
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Re: Racism in Quake Live, is it neccessa
Posted @ 18:48 GMT 17 Feb 2014
Phase is Hispanic and his gf is black. U apparently don't watch his livestream d
Re: Racism in Quake Live, is it neccessa
Posted @ 18:35 GMT 17 Feb 2014
Phazes girlfriend is black. She has been on livestreams. Highly doubtful dood.
Re: Racism in Quake Live, is it neccessa
Posted @ 18:26 GMT 17 Feb 2014
Ip checked, you are indeed Santa clause. Your IP address is located in the North
Re: Racism in Quake Live, is it neccessa
Posted @ 17:56 GMT 17 Feb 2014
HAHA aren't you that kid who got caught aimbotting and got banned from Quake Liv
Re: Me and Quake Live
Posted @ 00:07 GMT 9 Nov 2013
Because I work for gamestop kiddo.
Re: Me and Quake Live
Posted @ 22:52 GMT 8 Nov 2013
Killer Instinct isn't FatalInstinct. I stopped reading after you said anything a
Re: Me and Quake Live
Posted @ 22:52 GMT 8 Nov 2013
Someone has an obsession
Re: Me and Quake Live
Posted @ 22:07 GMT 8 Nov 2013
Try again kid. I go by fatalinstinct and enochulator. have for years. I saw you
Re: Me and Quake Live
Posted @ 17:30 GMT 8 Nov 2013
Now you go by thesexiestman. You aren't fooling anyone Swyft. We are legion.
Re: LiLJoJo admits botting.
Posted @ 11:08 GMT 3 Sep 2013
Wow, totally lost all respect for jojo. Looks like he got abso-fuckin-lutely pwn
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