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Last Login:  23 Oct 2015
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Re: Doom closed Alpha
Posted @ 06:19 GMT 23 Oct 2015
i played some the video they posted is exactly how it plays. just imagine aim
Re: what is the best cereal ???
Posted @ 01:06 GMT 4 Apr 2015
chex because it comes with CDs of doom clones
Re: - Instagram for gamers?!
Posted @ 01:04 GMT 4 Apr 2015
720p60 is as high as i can go without noticing it. 1080p with QL has noticeably
Posted @ 22:09 GMT 26 Dec 2014
i hope that there are a couple of characters/loadouts that will be fun to play a
Re: Can anyone be a pro?
Posted @ 23:51 GMT 18 Dec 2014
you're not comparing equal things though if you have to make up for bad react
Re: Can anyone be a pro?
Posted @ 07:27 GMT 18 Dec 2014
can't really practice reaction times or hand-eye coordination or aiming without
Re: To all whiners about ID this and ID
Posted @ 02:39 GMT 21 Oct 2014
you missed the part where id software was considered the greatest FPS developer
Re: What's with all the mid-tier players
Posted @ 19:06 GMT 10 Oct 2014
elo is a mess a lot of decent/good veteran players have a lower duel elo than
Re: Alternative to Quake Live.
Posted @ 06:58 GMT 8 Oct 2014
no the best you will find is some game where there are a few regulars who hit
Re: Why Clan Arena is so popular?
Posted @ 01:45 GMT 1 Oct 2014
because it's just as 'good' even if: there is no voicechat teams are not fair
Re: A suggestion to help grow the commun
Posted @ 22:37 GMT 18 Sep 2014
or just make sure newbs play newbs and veterans play veterans... but id can't
Re: Let's reviewing Quake Live!
Posted @ 05:43 GMT 18 Sep 2014
Re: The real changes Qlive needs.
Posted @ 22:26 GMT 29 Aug 2014
no matter what your player base is comprised of (skills / sizes / locations / et
Re: The real changes Qlive needs.
Posted @ 19:21 GMT 29 Aug 2014
i keep reading these incorrect statements repeated so often # of players has
Re: Titanfall
Posted @ 07:50 GMT 29 Aug 2014
i'm looking forward to this titanfall has some nice movement mechanics that m
Re: The great debate: nerfed LG. Why?
Posted @ 23:46 GMT 27 Aug 2014
it wasn't a sudden realiziation everyone always knew the LG was strong. it ju
Re: What would you add to Reflex?
Posted @ 12:06 GMT 24 Aug 2014
a marketing + player retention strategy the best case scenario from what I ca
Re: QL Match Making
Posted @ 05:11 GMT 18 Aug 2014
of course there needs to be some waiting time, but the mathematics make these wa
Re: Quake isn't a shooter
Posted @ 05:13 GMT 9 Jul 2014
it's easy to be fooled by data the difference in accuracy can still be the mo
Re: future quake wishlist
Posted @ 23:58 GMT 10 Mar 2014
quake is far from perfect it's actually pretty bad when there's no matchmakin
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